How does it Work? Download the application. Click on Authorize button (if you are a first time user). If you have already authenticated and saved tokens from previous request you may click on the Continue button. If you click on Authorize button then you will be redirected to the application page on Instagram for authentication. After successfully authenticating the app, you will be redirected to a link where-in a code will be shown. Copy that code and paste it in the textbox that appears in the application. Once the authentication is confirmed you will be prompted to either continue or save your tokens. The window that pops up shows your feed, your uploads, feeds from people whom you have added in your favorites, currently popular media, downloads and search. You can search for people by clicking on Search. This will open a layover in which you can enter a person's name. You add the user to your favorites by left clicking the mouse on the respective tile. If you right click on it, then that person's profile will pop up. However, only public or followed profiles can be added to the favorites. You can select specific tiles to download as well. Once you are done with your selection you click on Download button on the title bar. You can download the entire loaded feed by directly clicking on the Download button. However, for this to happen make sure that you haven't selected any media. For changing the image and video downloads destination you can click on the respective buttons on the title bar. That is it. It's that simple! Happy Downloading :)